General information about Security Service
Security Service was founded in the spring of 1999. Our headquarter is located in the center of Copenhagen. We currently employ more than 40 professional and dedicated employees, of whom several have police or elite military background.
All employees in Security Service are thoroughly selected and recruited in collaboration with an external consulting company. In addition to the mandatory AMU guard / doorman training, Security Service trains all employees in an internal service and guard training, so that they can handle our customers’ best interests at all times.
We have chosen to specialize in very few core areas. In an industry with a large number of security firms, it has from the start been Security Service’s desire to differentiate itself by offering special security solutions. This specialization means that in many ways we are not a traditional Danish security company. We try in many areas to be innovative in the Danish security industry.
We have put the quality and customer relationships in the forefront and attaches great importance that our customers always experiencing a first-class service.
Key words for us are:
- Service
- Quality
- Exclusivity
- Flexibility
All security solutions are individually adapted to the individual customer, considering that the solution that is optimal for one customer is not necessarily the one for the other.
If you have any questions or you would like further information, we will of course be at your disposal and can be contacted on tel: +45 70 10 15 11 or on email: where we can deepen our abilities and explain our various concepts.