Movie Screening Security & Anti-Piracy (MSAP)
Like the music industry, the film industry is under threat of illegal copyright infringement. The increasing number of world premieres in Danish cinemas increases the risk of the use of video / recording devices among cinema guests, and therefore increased audience control is needed.
Security Service offers MSAP Security / Guards with night-vision binoculars at Pre-release screening (Sneak previews), Gala Premieres, as well as the entire opening week.
Security Service has created and trained a special team for MSAP security, using advanced nightvision equipment.
We usually have 2 guards for small events and 4 guards for larger events, where they are placed strategic. At Galla Premieres, we can have up to 6 -8 guards depending on the on the size of the movie theatre, and the scale of the event.
Our service can be delivered in one or more of the following areas:
- Pre-release screenings
- Sneak previews
- Gala premiere
- Opening week
We are constantly working on new ideas and concepts, which help to improve security, and are currently developing a completely new security system in collaboration with two of our partners in China for just MSAP Security.